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Can't get your kids to bed (without 19 "one more thing"s)?

Can't stop the sibling fights?

Can't go to Target without a level 99 tantrum?

$7 $17
Get easy-to-use solutions
for the biggest parent problems!
Spot on Advice and (Much Needed) Humor
"OMG I love your humor and great advice! I work in the field so all of the advice is spot on, but your comedic timing is what gets me every time!!!"

-- Leslie Mueller (Mom)

What Problems are Covered

How to deal with sibling fights

How to keep your patience

How to handle tantrums

How to deal with dreaded bedtime issues

What the different parenting styles are...and what you can learn from each one

How to find a balance between being "Mom" and being a real person too


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Parenting Problems Solved$7

  • Total payment
  • 1xParenting Problems Solved$7

All prices in USD
